St. Peter’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that embodies God’s word and sacraments, invites spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world with God’s love.
We welcome all, wherever you are in your journey of faith, to join us at St. Peter’s. We embrace those in all walks of life and strive to offer worship and formation that values and centers our youngest members.
We are connected to an international denomination and global communion that are grounded in liturgy, sacraments, and scripture. We minister as a parish within the larger structure of and in partnership with our diocese and denomination.
As we prepare for ministry at St. Peter's in 2025 we are being asked to consider how we will support this incredible community of faith through the offering of our PRAYERS, our PARTICIPATION, and our financial PROVISION. How is God calling you to support St. Peter's in 2025? Giving Sunday is Sunday, November 10, 2024. Come that day and celebrate the ministry of St. Peter's Day-by-Day with your pledge of support! And thank you!
Click on the links below and hear from members of our vestry about how a Day in the Life of St. Peter's has impacted their lives.
Reflect on what St. Peter's has meant to you in your life
March 2025
Family Sunday
Baptism of Simon Rawlins
8am Holy Eucharist (In-Person)
9:15am PathFinders
9:15am Truthwalkers
10:30am Holy Eucharist (In-Person & Live Stream)
11:30am Reception after Baptism
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7:30am Silent Meditation and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel
7:30am Silent Meditation and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel
10:30am Lectionary Bible Study with the Rector
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7:30am Silent Meditation and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel
4:30pm Friends in the Park
5:30pm Engage Cafe
6:50pm Compline
7pm Choir
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Strawberry Festival
7:30am Silent Meditation and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel
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Office Closed
7:30am Silent Meditation and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel
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8am Holy Eucharist (In-Person)
9:15am PathFinders
9:15am Truthwalkers
10:30am Holy Eucharist (In-Person & Live Stream)
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Hillsborough County Public School- No School
Office Closed-Strawberry Parade
8am Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel
6pm St. Peter's Dungeons and Dragons Night
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8am Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel
10:30am Lectionary Bible Study with the Rector
5:30pm Pancake Supper
7pm Burning of the Palms Liturgy
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7am Ash Wednesday Holy Eucharist (Spoken Mass)
7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel
12:15pm Ash Wednesday Holy Eucharist (Sung Mass w/ Music)
7pm Choir
7pm Ash Wednesday Holy Eucharist (Sung Mass w/ Music)
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7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer in the Corpus Christi Chapel
Office Closed
7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel
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Bender Hall Reserved
8am Holy Eucharist (Spoken Mass)
9:15am PathFinders
9:15am Truthwalkers (Children's Sunday School)
9:15am PathFinders (Adult Sunday School)
9:15am Mother's Book Study (ReWilding Motherhood)
10:30am Holy Eucharist (Sung Mass w/ Music, In-Person and Livestreamed)
12pm Worship and Liturgy Comission Meeting
4pm Service of Rememberance for Bishop Dabney Smith and Rededication of Diocesan Center
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7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins)
10am Buildings & Grounds Commission Meeting
4pm Laundry Love
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College of Presbyters
7:30am Canceled: Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Canceled: Morning Prayer (Matins)
10:30am Lectionary Bible Study with the Rector (Toni Nettles Leading)
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7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins)
12:15pm Holy Eucharist and Healing Prayer (Spoken Mass w/ Unction)
5pm Private Confession in the Church
5:30pm Engage Cafe
6:50pm Compline
7pm Choir
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7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins)
11am Pastoral Care and Outreach Commission
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Office Closed
7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins)
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Vestry Retreat
9am Vestry Retreat
Baptism of LaineyGrace Nolin
8am Holy Eucharist (Spoken Mass)
9:15am PathFinders
9:15am Truthwalkers (Children's Sunday School)
9:15am PathFinders (Adult Sunday School)
9:15am Mother's Book Study (ReWilding Motherhood)
10:30am Holy Eucharist (Sung Mass w/ Music, In-Person and Livestreamed)
12pm Vestry Retreat
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Hillsborough County Public School Spring Break
Fr. Larson Vacation
7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins) Officated by Mike Booher
6pm St. Peter's Dungeons and Dragons Night
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7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins) officiated by Christy Lyle
10:30am Lectionary Bible Study with the Rector (Benders Lead)
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7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins) Officiated by Christy Lyle
12:15pm Canceled this week: Holy Eucharist and Healing Prayer (Spoken Mass w/ Unction)
5pm Canceled this week: Private Confession in the Church
5:30pm No Engage Cafe This Week
6:50pm No Compline this week
7pm Choir
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7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins) Officiated by Benders
11am Communications Meeting
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Office Closed
7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins) (Officiated by Christy Lyle)
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8am Holy Eucharist (Spoken Mass)
9:15am PathFinders
9:15am Truthwalkers (Children's Sunday School)
9:15am PathFinders (Adult Sunday School)
9:15am Mother's Book Study (ReWilding Motherhood)
10:30am Holy Eucharist (Sung Mass w/ Music, In-Person and Livestreamed)
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7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins)
7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins)
10:30am Lectionary Bible Study with the Rector
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7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins)
12:15pm Holy Eucharist and Healing Prayer (Spoken Mass w/ Unction)
1:30pm Staff Meeting
4:30pm Friends in the Park
5pm Private Confession in the Church
5:10pm Christian Formation
5:30pm Engage Cafe
6:50pm Compline
7pm Choir
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7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins)
6:30pm Irregular Date- Vestry Meeting
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Office Closed
7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins)
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5pm Cottage Meeting at Neal Ward's and Jim Jeffries
Family Sunday
8am Holy Eucharist (Spoken Mass)
9:15am PathFinders
9:15am Truthwalkers (Children's Sunday School)
9:15am PathFinders (Adult Sunday School)
9:15am Mother's Book Study (ReWilding Motherhood)
10:30am Holy Eucharist (Sung Mass w/ Music, In-Person and Livestreamed)
12pm Children and Family Lunch at the Rectory
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7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins)
Sun 'n Fun
7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins)
10:30am Lectionary Bible Study with the Rector
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7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins)
12:15pm Holy Eucharist and Healing Prayer (Spoken Mass w/ Unction)
1:30pm Staff Meeting
5pm Private Confession in the Church
5:30pm Engage Cafe
6:50pm Compline
7pm Choir
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7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins)
8:30am S. Anderson decorate hall
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Office Closed
7:30am Silent Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
8am Morning Prayer (Matins)
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Starr Anderson - Bender Hall
9am Spring Clean Up and Cookout
Holy Eucharist
8am In-Person
10:30am In-Person & Streaming Online
Christian Formation for Adults & Children
9am In-Person