PathFinders is our Sunday morning Christian Formation for adults (adult Sunday School), meeting weekly between services (9:15-10:15am) in Bender Hall. Beverages & light refreshments are provided.
Upcoming at PathFinders in March is the wrap up of series on the Epistles in Scripture, specifically Letters in 1 Corinthians. This series is led by the Rev. Pam Smith, a recently retired Lutheran priest who has now made St. Peter’s her home church. Then starting Sunday, March 9, the 6 Sundays in Lent will feature a series called “Surprised by Hope” based on an N.T. Wright book. This promises to be an innovative & engaging series. Join us!
Holy Eucharist
8am In-Person
10:30am In-Person & Streaming Online
Christian Formation for Adults & Children
9am In-Person