St. Peter's, Plant City: Love God, and Share God's Love with the World
At our annual parish meeting on January 22, 2023, the congregation of St. Peter's adopted the following Mission, Values, & Vision Statement, which was developed by the Mission/Vision/Planning Task Force after seeking expensive parish feedback, and approved by the Vestry in 2022. It is intended as a living document that will help us shape our identity and ministry as we live into the Church of today—and tomorrow.
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that embodies God’s word and sacraments, invites spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world with God’s love.
Abiding Love
We have been moved by the love of God and seek to share that love with others.
Expansive Hope
We live into the present and future Kingdom of God with the hope that what was lost can be found, what was broken can be redeemed, and that death does not have the last word, for we are people of Resurrection.
Joyful Generosity
We give generously of time, talent, and treasure to support the mission of our church and the work of God’s kingdom
Welcoming Community
We welcome all, wherever you are in your journey of faith, to join us at St. Peter’s. We embrace those in all walks of life and strive to offer worship and formation that values and centers our youngest members.
Episcopal Tradition
We are connected to an international denomination and global communion that are grounded in liturgy, sacraments, and scripture. We minister as a parish within the larger structure of and in partnership with our diocese and denomination.
Holy Eucharist
8am In-Person
10:30am In-Person & Streaming Online
Christian Formation for Adults & Children
9am In-Person