Engage Cafe
Engage Cafe is a communal meal for church members and others in the community on Wednesdays in St. Peter’s Bender Hall for $10 a person and $25 a family.
Here’s what Wayne Parrish, our lead Engage Cafe minister has to say about it.
It’s the middle of the week and you can’t wait until Friday. There is little or no food in the refrigerator. Got to pick up the kids and take them to practice. And / or do not feel like cooking for just the two of you.
Of course - ENGAGE CAFE. Every Wednesday during the school year. Once a month in the summer.
Most of us enjoy Engage Cafe on a regular basis. Yet, are you aware that Engage Cafe is more than a meal. Much occurs behind the curtain. Shopping - multiple trips to multiple stores in search of the best deal. We shop early. We shop often. We shop sales. We love BOGO’s.
Most of Wednesday in consumed with meal prep. Much is done at home by the team.
Assembly and final cook is completed at Bender Hall.
“Clean Up” is always necessary and a great time to “catch up” and strengthen relationships.
Never can have enough to assist in “clean up!” Typically, we complete this by 8PM - sooner if we have more assistance.
We strive to plan an affordable meal. The current price is $10 per person or $25 per family. This is a terrific price for the meal of the week. Can’t get a McDonald’s Happy Meal for this price!
We have been Blessed to have food contributions and fund overages. These dollars have been used to cover unexpected shortages, purchase new tables, serving pieces, coffee equipment, fund our Christmas Party, etc. We will soon be purchasing new chairs for Bender Hall in additional to some miscellaneous equipment.
Occasionally, we bring a friend - or two. Always nice to meet new people.
We constantly plan and review, thinking well in advance.
Engage has a strong “core team” who joyfully serve. We have learned much over the years. We are data driven. We learn from our mistakes. We take suggestions.
MUCH effort is invested to prepare a successful evening - week in, week out - for a much-deserved mid-week break.
Menu design is established for the group as a whole. We create themes. We fine tune themes. Some work. Some don’t. Always a work in progress.
Some may desire to create their own team and “Own the Night.” Give us a date and the night is yours!
Oktoberfest is a hit! Let’s do something new. Anyone with German heritage in this group. Let us know. Would love your ideas and participation.
Last year’s Christmas Engage was held at our home. The evening was thoroughly enjoyed.
This was a HUGE effort. Many participated. Many served. Many stayed to help clean. Thanks to all.
SAVE THE DATE - December 4th. Thinking about doing it again. Would love your assistance as well. Let us know! More to follow.
And last but not least - our Spring DinnerNational season. Please consider “Sponsoring a Night.”
We are beginning again this September 11th.
We will be Celebrating Teacher’s this night.
And let’s begin with an RSVP!
Many are providing RSVP’s - in a timely manner - by noon Monday. This is valuable information.
Hopefully, you understand our effort in creating a meaningful evening. We all value our invested time, talents, and treasures. It is most important in the planning process to obtain an accurate attendance. Therefore, an RSVP by noon Monday is most appreciated. This will respect each of our time, talents, and treasures.
At this time - a link is proved in TWASP to complete an RSVP or call the church office.
We continually look for those who would enjoy serving as well. There are many ways in which to serve. And many graciously provide do. Set up, preparing a dessert, providing tea, lemonade, bottled water, or bringing a salad. Please note - reimbursement is available for food contributions.
And the FUN - the “breaking of bread” along with much talk, laughter, and smiles occurs in Bender Hall.
Thank you so much for being an important part of this ministry, this community, and this continued effort. Let’s grow together this year - in attendance, in community, and in consideration for your participation.
Wayne and Margaret
Holy Eucharist
8am In-Person
10:30am In-Person & Streaming Online
Christian Formation for Adults & Children
9am In-Person