Ministry Spotlight – Vestry


The vestry is an elected group of parishioners who are called to serve as lay leaders for St. Peter’s. The vestry shares leadership responsibilities with the rector and functions

like the board of any nonprofit, with responsibilities for finances, management of property and resources. Below are reflections from the current vestry on their service

to St. Peter’s.


·     In the 4 years I’ve served on the vestry, we’ve been through good times (a new rector, new members, new ministries like Laundry Love, Books for Kids, and the Block Party) and bad (the pandemic, losing a rector and friends, and a flooded rectory, which required lots of elbow grease and funds). But with God’s help and the parish’s

generosity, we persevered! The vestry’s role in all of this has been to be the first to lean in and encourage other parishioners to do the same. We’re a church family, and I’m

proud of us.

Carolyn Durst c/o 2024


·     Serving on the vestry has been an unexpected blessing. Not knowing what to expect, I was surprised that we would work closely together as a small group who prayed, laughed, and sometimes cried together, much like a family. We became especially close during the search for our new rector; we supported each other throughout the discernment process, sharing openly about the challenges of balancing individual will with the search for God's will for St. Peter's. Vestry membership taught me that servanthood is a higher calling than serving on a leadership committee.

Patty Linder- Secretary, c/o 2025


·     I was raised by parents committed to Christ, and I attended Sunday school and church regularly. As a young middle school student, I made my Confession of Faith at Bel-Mar Presbyterian Church in Tampa. Shortly after, the great evangelist Billy Graham came to speak in Tampa, and my Dad asked me if I would go with him to hear him. I agreed, and we went together and heard an inspirational sermon. After the sermon, Graham, good Baptist that he was, invited people to come to the front of the hall to make their Confession of Faith and become Christians. My Dad had first made his Confession as a boy, and I had just made mine.


Nevertheless, he asked me to go down with him and make a new Confession. Saying that I had just done so, I refused, and my father was greatly disappointed. Several years ago, our Bishop visited St. Peter’s. During the service he invited members to make their Confession of Faith; those who had already done so were invited to make a new Confession. In honor of my father, I decided to make a new Confession. Needless to say, I imagined my father standing next to me as I made it. This experience would not have been possible without St. Peter’s, and I will be forever grateful that I was able to affirm my faith here.

Felix Haynes c/o 2024



·     Gifts of Serving:

Learned to think about “what is best for the whole parish” not just “what is best for me” Developed closeness with others on vestry & together we experienced some powerful

spiritual moments



Time commitment & learning to lead during search for a new priest

Hope for Next Vestry

Enjoy the excitement of planning for our future with new rector

Have continued energy for new programs & creating new fellowship opportunities

Hope for the Future

Seeing others embrace a renewed plan for serving each other & our community

 Cindy Gutowski, c/o 2025


·     If I were asked to serve the last three years over again, I would! Serving St. Peter’s as a member of the vestry has given me an opportunity to renew my commitment to this parish, to grow personally, and to lean into my faith. Serving hasn’t always been easy, but God has been here, even in the messy times. The night we called Fr. Derek as our new rector will always be one of my favorite memories. I look forward to working with the new vestry we will elect in January and am looking forward to discovering God’s plan for our church family.

Patti Booher-Senior Warden, c/o 2025


·     The time I have spent on the vestry has been very fulfilling. I have been able to understand the workings of the church and how I can help our church move forward. We worked as a team to search and choose a new rector. It has been my pleasure to be on the vestry and look forward to serving in the next year.

Eda Snyder, c/o 2026


·     It has been a true blessing being a member of the vestry. It has provided me the opportunity to do God’s work and be part of a wonderful team. I am so proud of what we have accomplished. I look forward to the future here at St. Peters.

Ron Everett-Junior Warden, c/o 2026

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