Streaming: What is it and Why do we Need it?
Streaming: What is it and why do we need it?
By Hilda McCarter
If you’re a regular reader of St. Peter’s TWASP, then you know that a connection to Streaming of the 10:30 service is available. Perhaps you’ve had an occasion to participate that way in a service, due to being homebound or on a trip. This form of participation came about during the confinement we experienced during the worst of Covid. Though not the same as actually being present in a pew, it nevertheless gave you a connection to the beauty of the sanctuary and the services and the people who shared the pews with you.
Thankfully, that time has gone and, hopefully, will not return.So, why continue to offer the Streaming service at all? A search tells us that Streaming is a method of transmitting data (especially video and audio material) over a computer network on a steady continuous flow, allowing playback to start while the rest of the data is being received. Available also on YouTube, it is not over the public airways. Such data can be viewed in real or actual time or in playback over a period of hours.
How does this affect us who normally occupy a seat (usually a favorite one!) on an almost weekly basis? On those days when one cannot attend due to traveling or illness, the Streaming allows you to feel a participation in the familiar service. In addition, if you do attend and find your mind wandering during the sermon (heaven forbid!) or announcement time, then checking the Streaming gives you a rerun of the live version to receive the information you may have missed.
Then, of course, there are those parishioners who, for whatever reason, usually illness, cannot attend services on a regular basis. Having been in this category, I can attest to the joy it provides when I can participate, virtually, as it’s called. Though one cannot actually receive Holy Communion in this way, a visitation from a priest, deacon, or lay Eucharistic visitor is available as a follow-up. In other words, all the bases are covered to reach all communicants whatever their needs or living style.
Since Streaming of any service or event is available on YouTube, there’s also the possibility of our beloved service being an outreach to someone seeking a church home. For this reason and the other reasons mentioned above, Streaming becomes a valuable ministry of our church, deserving of a qualified staff and financial support. To those who have been available to present this up to now, we owe a debt of gratitude. May we continue to have access to Streaming as our church and its congregation grow together under the leadership of a new rector.
Holy Eucharist
8am In-Person
10:30am In-Person & Streaming Online
Christian Formation for Adults & Children
9am In-Person